Høre et fadderbarns historie

Lær de børn at kende, som Bondéko støtter i DR Congo. Vi tror på, at vi ved at dele deres historier kan skabe en dybere forbindelse og forståelse for, hvilken indflydelse din støtte har på deres liv. Når du bliver fadder, medlem eller giver en enkeltdonation, er du med til at forandre børnenes liv.


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Hvad siger faddere og medlemmer?

We are grateful for the support of our community. Here are some of the positive feedback from current faddere, medlemmer, donorer og frivillige, which will inspire new visitors to follow suit. It can help to build trust in the organization and show that their contributions will make a real difference in the lives of children in DR Congo.
I have been a fadder in Bondeko for three years now, and I can see how my support transforms the lives of the children I support. It gives me so much joy and meaning to know that I am helping to create positive change in the world.
John Smith
CEO, XYZ Corporation
I have been a member of Bondeko for several years now, and it is a fantastic way to support a good cause. I feel like a part of a community that really makes a difference for children and young people in DR Congo.
Jane Doe
Marketing Manager, ABC Inc.
I have donated regularly to Bondeko for several months now, and I am impressed with what they have achieved with the funds. I am happy to be able to contribute to supporting education and initiatives that help children out of poverty.
Sarah Johnson
Founder, PQR Foundation

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